My husband and I had a very special anniversary to celebrate yesterday. We woke up early, made a coffee for the road and packed up the car. As we pulled away from home, my phone vibrated and I was notified that someone had mentioned @hubsandhers in their Instagram story. My excitement flew into overdrive as I laid eyes on two of our most loyal shoppers packing up their Hubs & Hers gear and heading to the same destination as us.
Meet Sean and Stefania.
They are huge advocates for supporting local businesses and have been shopping Hubs & Hers since the beginning. They own almost everything we've ever created and have been celebrating birthdays, Valentine's Days and anniversaries with us since their first, when Sean surpirsed Stefania with Beard & Butt coffee mugs.
Yesterday, we had the honor of helping them get creative with anniversary number two.
I knew I loved these two before I met them, but I fell even deeper when they showed up to Combat Club with a big ol' box of fresh, hand crafted Nani's doughnuts for the special occasion.
HOW THEY MET. Stefania is my kinda gal. She understands that dating is like sharing nachos. When you see the chip you want, you better take it or someone else will. She and Sean knew of one another through mutual friends and once she had her eye on him, it was all over. First, she nonchalantly liked ~ 12 of his photos on Instagram, just to get her feet wet. A few weeks later, she "slid into my DM", said Sean. He was visiting Orlando for a work related event and Stefania was still a student at the University of Central Florida. That DM was all Sean needed to be lured into a first date and they were inseparable from that moment on.
Sean returned home to Delray, but the love survived long distance until Stefania graduated and took a job in Miami. We are very excited to share that in just a few short weeks, the two will be officially moving in together!
FUTURE PLANS. Sean and Stefania already have their hearts set on a bigger home with more bedrooms and a large yard so they can expand their family! There is no doubt in my mind that an engagement will be coming in 2017.
Mr Farina and I had been looking forward to meeting this couple for a while now and after doing so, they are even more Hubs & hers than we could have ever dreamed.
Thank you, Sean and Stefania, for sharing this special day with us!
xo Mrs Farina
Love these two!
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